Business Events Sydney (BESydney) has secured the prestigious inaugural Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDS-Movement) and #MEET4IMPACT Impact Award for its commitment to creating a lasting impact through business events.
The award ceremony in Valencia celebrated BESydney’s pioneering work in developing a social impact framework for business events in Sydney and New South Wales.
Lyn Lewis-Smith, CEO of BESydney, said: “We’ve been committed for over a decade to measuring the ‘Beyond Tourism Benefits’ of business events for communities and reducing our environmental footprint. We’re now working with these communities to measure long-term social and economic impact.”
BESydney has long championed the non-tourism benefits of business events, including knowledge transfer, innovation, and talent attraction.
In 2019, BESydney received the GDS Innovation Award for ‘Innovation in Sustainability’ for collaboration with the City of Sydney’s Sustainable Destination Partnership. Sydney also maintained its place among the world’s Top 30 Sustainable Destinations.
BESydney continues its mission in collaboration with partners, such as the City of Sydney and Destination NSW, to make Sydney a sustainable destination for visitors and events, reinforcing its position as a global leader in impactful business events.