Always a supporter of knowledge and community improvement, Business Events Sarawak shares the story of the Book Heaven Street Library. The notion of a library made of scraps of wood and zinc, has no entrance fee and no closing time and carries 30 books at a time, is an inspiring one.
Its creator, Rafeah Wahi, says: “My target was to provide reading material in people’s leisure time and to offer an alternative to the computer screen. If we can do this and more children can actually read, we can break the cycle of poverty which I think is one of the most serious things we have in Sarawak. Reading is a very simple thing but it’s very impactful – on both the individual and society.”
Following the same pattern, the Nanga Ukom longhouse library is powered by solar panels and offers all kinds of books donated by people from Malaysia and abroad. The idea started when Business Events Sarawak CEO Amelia Roziman visited the area and was inspired to to help the education process.