Engagement & Fun With AIM Group

1st February 2022

The 2021 conference of the International Congress of Pediatric Radiology (IPR) was organised as a hybrid event in Rome and online with the help of AIM Group International. With a total of about 1000 participants and 220 speakers both online and in person, the scientific conference was a success.

What made the difference was the IPR Olympics, a scientific competition involving two teams of six chosen from the speaker faculty, representing the European and the American Society of Pediatric Radiology respectively. With a series of multiple-choice questions on the most important and updated scientific studies, the game managed to keep the audience both engaged and entertained.

The Congress Presidents, Andrea Rossi & Damien Grattan-Smith, commented: “Everything was just flawless. The room was as full as could be under the circumstances, and the audience reacted enthusiastically and with real participation”.

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