Going Virtual 2020 Webinar

17th April 2020
May 7, 2020 Online

In this extraordinary time of a pandemic GCO Meetings & Events have decided to respond to Boardroom’s call for action and give back to the medical community to the best of their ability. GCO Meetings & Events have worked in the meetings and events industry for more than 17 years with a clear focus on life sciences events, organizing congresses for medical associations and pharmaceutical corporations, as well as virtual meetings since the early stages of the concept and up to today.

A lot of medical associations have been forced to cancel their annual congresses and this is a serious blow to their viability and their ability to promote education and research. This is a time to support the medical community in any way one can. For this reason GCO Meetings & Events have created a free for all webinar during which they will be sharing ideas and experience. Along with all of you, the goal is to nurture a discussion that will help medical association stakeholders approach the transformation of their congresses to virtual platforms in the best possible way. 

Please join the discussion on May 7, 2020 at 16:00hrs – 17:00hrs CEST, by registering free for this online event via this link.



  • Virtual vs F2F – two straightforward examples

Switching to Virtual – Converting Congress Key Elements & Session Types to Software Features

  • Drawing a roadmap by raising the right questions
  • Converting Session Types to Software Features
  • How does a Virtual Registration Desk look like?
  • CMEs, tracking & Certificates of Attendance
  • Polling & Interactivity
  • Virtual Networking

Space, Time, Limitations and Consequences

  • Space Limitations: What is the Virtual analogy?
  • Time Constraints & Time Benefits
  • E-Posters
  • Compliance Constants & Changes

Number Crunching

  • Budget gone Virtual
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Registrations & add-ons


Hosted by GCO (Global Conference Organisers)

Presented by:

  • George Kostopoulos, MBA (Business Unit Lead M&E)
  • Yannis Antoniou, M.Sc. (Operational Excellence Manager)
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