
If You Seek a Meaningful Event, It Is Here to Find

2nd November 2022

New Zealand is extending an invitation to event planners who seek more through extraordinary travel.

Aotearoa New Zealand has released its first 100% Pure New Zealand global campaign post-pandemic, ‘If You Seek’. The campaign shows that New Zealand rewards those curious enough to look a little deeper and go a little further to discover more meaningful connections.  

It highlights the memorable experiences, people and places that make Business Events in New Zealand unique. 

From the thrill of facing a traditional Māori pōwhiri welcome, to a venue set amongst lush native forest, the exhilarating rush of a jet boat that serves as transport between activities, to the awe-inspiring stories outside and inside its new world-class convention centres. The campaign captures a sneak peek of the offerings that can deliver a business event with a difference. 

René de Monchy, Chief Executive of Tourism New Zealand, says: “Aotearoa New Zealand is a place for those who pursue meaningful connections with culture, people, and the environment.”  

“Those curious manuhiri [visitors] are rewarded with a rich experience of our beautiful country and are met with manaakitanga [a deep expression of hospitality and reciprocal understanding/connection]. These are visitors who we think will explore more deeply and ultimately contribute to New Zealand’s tourism sector in ways beyond the economic benefit.” 

Building on its event strengths

Tourism New Zealand’s dedicated Business Events team provides strategic funding and support to bid for and bring international conferences to New Zealand. 

Recent investment in the country’s business events infrastructure has seen the development of three new world-class convention centres in Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland.  

You’ll find strong knowledge hubs to support innovative content at conferences including agribusiness, health science, tech and screen, earth science, and high value food and wine. 

But there’s more that New Zealand can offer event planners, says Tourism New Zealand’s General Manager New Zealand & Business Events, Bjoern Spreitzer.  

“It’s an emphasis on Return on Objective that adds value to an event already packed with amazing activities, innovative content, and stunning scenery. 

“Whether that means experiencing New Zealand’s unique Māori culture and using that as a platform to expand on your organization’s own culture and values; engaging closely with and learning from the local community; or enjoying nature and then giving back to the environment through sustainable initiatives, those more meaningful connections are here to find.” 

Back to nature

New Zealanders feel a special connection to the land and believe they have a duty of care to look after it for future generations.  

New Zealand’s beautiful landscapes are a key attraction for visitors, but also a source of many of New Zealand’s areas of expertise. Many international conferences leverage pre- and post-field trips to the farms incorporating cutting-edge agritech; the ‘natural laboratory’ of New Zealand’s geothermal activity; or sampling fresh produce, wine, or seafood at the source.

A number of attractions that can be added to an events agenda support regenerative tourism, from the forest zipline that ploughs profits back into pest eradication, to the whale and dolphin safari that contributes directly to marine conservation.  

Tourism New Zealand encourages all event organisers and delegates coming to New Zealand to make the Tiaki Promise, a pledge to care for people, place, and culture.  

Tourism New Zealand also provides information to help organizers reduce the environmental impact of their event. A free Sustainability Toolkit includes advice on eco-friendly venues and accommodation, greener transport options, waste management, local food, and maximizing community engagement. 

For associations keen to measure and mitigate their event’s carbon footprint, Toitū Envirocare provides internationally recognized certification and tools to measure, reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions.  

Giving a meaningful gift to delegates has also been made easy via a partnership with conservation charity programme Trees That Count. The option to plant a native tree on behalf of each conference participant not only protects New Zealand’s flora and fauna, but also supports efforts to address climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. 

Preserving culture

Indigenous Māori culture is increasingly being incorporated into conferences held in New Zealand, rewarding those who come looking for more authentic connections. 

Tourism New Zealand can help planners incorporate Māori culture into their conference for a unique experience found nowhere else. From a pōwhiri (ceremonial welcome) to bring people together; to a wero, or challenge laid at the beginning of the event for delegates; or a bespoke haka that helps build unity and purpose, incorporating culture allows an organization to explore their own goals and core values. 

An event’s diversity, inclusivity and connection with the host community can also be enhanced through initiatives including adding Māori representation on the Local Organizing Committee or featuring Māori knowledge or speakers. 

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