There are many people with hearing loss, and you might be surprised how many could be among your colleagues. Making video conferences more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing people helps actually everyone to minimize fatigue, as explains Dr. Christian Vogler in this MiniCourse, sponsored by Destination DC.
Dr. Christian Vogler is a professor in the Communication Studies program at Gallaudet University. He also is the director of the Technology Access Program research group. He leads and co-leads multiple research grants that focus on accessible technology for the deaf and hard of hearing. Topics include video relay services, captioned telephone services, closed captions for TV and streaming video, better consumer control over hearing aids and cochlear implants, next-generation smart home alerting systems, and accessibility of voice interfaces like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. In his role, he also is involved in bringing consumers, industry, and policymakers together on accessibility issues, advocating for a deaf/hard of hearing perspective, as well as developing prototype technologies for improving the accessibility of such systems.
And a special introduction by Elliott Ferguson, CEO of Destination DC.