
MedTech Europe Rewarded for “Connecting the Dots” Between Innovation & Healthcare

27th June 2024

At the recent 2024 European Association Awards (organised by ESAE), MedTech Europe’s original “Connecting the Dots” campaign was honoured with the prestigious Digital Transformation Award. The association received this recognition for the exceptional impact of the video series produced in collaboration with BBC StoryWorks, demonstrating how digital communication can revolutionise the healthcare sector. Boardroom was there to congratulate the winners and get the ‘behind the scenes’ story on the project.

Words Vicky Koffa

MedTech Europe, the leading trade association representing the medical technology industry across diagnostics, medical devices, and digital health, continues to make strides in innovation and sustainable healthcare solutions. Its mission focuses on the goal to make advanced medical technologies more accessible while steering healthcare systems toward a sustainable future. 

“Winning the European Association Award is a significant milestone for our association, marking a moment of recognition and validation for our consistently delivering high-quality work. It highlights our commitment to excellence and underscores the medical technology sector’s tangible impact on people’s lives,” said Miriam D’Ambrosio, Senior Manager Communications at MedTech Europe. With this award-winning effort the association pushed its boundaries providing a profound understanding of the impact and potential of digital transformation in the medical sector.

A Vision for Change

“The primary vision behind ‘Connecting the Dots’ was to showcase how new technologies can revolutionise patient care and healthcare delivery,” explained D’Ambrosio. The project brings in the spotlight the importance of medical technologies in enhancing patient outcomes and streamlining clinician workflows, amidst a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. “In recent years, healthcare systems have reached a crossroads, fundamentally transforming the delivery of patient care. This transformative period has opened opportunities to leverage new technologies, fostering confidence in medical innovation as the path to better patient outcomes.”

The series examines the future of healthcare, illustrating how professionals, patients, and health systems are embracing digital transformation. It celebrates cutting-edge innovations while addressing the significant challenges that remain. “Through this exploration, the series encourages open dialogue about the ongoing evolution of healthcare and the promising advancements on the horizon,” D’Ambrosio added.

Overcoming Challenges to Create Resounding Impact

The production of “Connecting the Dots” was no small feat. It required extensive logistical coordination to capture stories from various parts of the world. “Thanks to the support of BBC StoryWorks and MedTech Europe members, we could reach places outside Europe and have local contacts to deliver impactful stories,” D’Ambrosio noted. The team worked closely with members to provide a thorough overview of the industry, tailoring the campaign to include as many members as possible. This collaboration allowed for the creation of content that resonated deeply with diverse audiences, enhancing MedTech Europe’s influence.

The impact of “Connecting the Dots” has been profound, with the series achieving unprecedented success. “The 2023 campaign achieved the highest engagement rates ever recorded for a BBC StoryWorks campaign,” D’Ambrosio revealed. Looking at the numbers, the series garnered 40,7 million impressions on social media and 12,2 million total video views, reflecting its wide reach and popularity. 

In terms of social value, insights were gathered from stakeholders, policymakers, and the membership community, providing a holistic understanding of the series’ impact. This mixed-methods evaluation strategy ensured that both hard metrics and subjective feedback were considered, painting a complete picture of the series’ success.

MedTech Europe received the Digital Transformation Award at the recent ESAE 2024 Awards.

The Role of Storytelling in Digital Evolution

As digital platforms continue to evolve, the importance of storytelling in the association and medical technology sectors cannot be overstated. “We are currently witnessing significant transformations across all digital platforms. It is essential not only to understand how these platforms will evolve but also to anticipate changes in the behaviour of their target audiences,” D’Ambrosio emphasised. Consistent storytelling that highlights the positive impact of medical technology on people’s lives is crucial for shaping public perception and trust.

“The way we present ourselves to the outside world affects not just our organisation, but the reputation of the entire sector,” she stated. Through initiatives like “Connecting the Dots,” MedTech Europe effectively communicates its message not just to its members directly but also to a broader audience, multiplying opportunities for valuable synergies.

Looking Ahead

MedTech Europe continues to innovate and expand its digital engagement strategy. A new campaign aimed at raising awareness of the value of the medical technology sector is on the horizon. A new multifaceted approach that includes billboards, online campaigns, direct outreach, and events.

Additionally, MedTech Europe is establishing a new digital hub to centralise all digital content, enhancing user experience and engagement. “We believe that these efforts in creating digital content are crucial to making our messages easy to access for our target audiences and reaching them in the most creative and personalised way possible,” D’Ambrosio explained. This digital hub will feature videos, podcasts, patient stories, and policy articles, providing a wealth of curated material for deeper exploration of various topics.

The success of MedTech Europe’s “Connecting the Dots” campaign is a major stepping stone on the evoluiton of digital transformation in healthcare. By leveraging innovative technologies and strategic storytelling, MedTech Europe not only showcases the immense potential of medical advancements but also paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient healthcare future. “Digital tools will play a key role in maximising the impact of such advancements and ensuring effective, measurable outreach to our target audiences,” D’Ambrosio concluded.

The video campaign is available on this link.

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