Sarawak Releases Data Sharing Initiative

8th December 2021

At BESarawak’s Tribe Assembly 2021, which celebrates stakeholders across the whole meetings industry chain, Sarawak Convention Bureau launched the BESarawak Centralised Collaboration & Data Sharing Initiative, or in short: BEdata.

 BEdata’s aim is to create a baseline for data generation concerning, among other things, meetings and conventions, and provides in-depth market analysis to support lead generation and business development. Data contribution is predominantly by the government sector with the aid of private sectors. 

In addition, BEdata is expected to support investment decisions made by the government to ensure the sector remains competitive; while assisting in formulating strategic and tactical plans to develop the industry. 

At BESarawak’s Tribe Assembly 2021, updates were also shared on the progress of Business Events Sarawak Association Centre where plans are being drafted to support newly formed national associations establishing a headquarter in Sarawak. Current tenants are Sarawak Tourism Federation and Malaysian Dental Association Eastern Zone. 

To enquire about BEData and how you can contribute, contact Elynnie Dominic Jau via email at or call +082 242-516.

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