Sarawak continues to focus its efforts on attracting impactful business events.
The destination’s 3rd Business Events Tribal Meet revealed the successful outcome so far (securing 94 events when the target for 2022 was 90) and the aim of 1,245 events by 2030.
Themed Reimagine Our Future, business events’ legacy impact and sustainability were the main topics of TriBE Assembly, further pushing the message that Sarawak is serious about motivating the sector to think beyond the economic returns of events.
The relevant ministry’s full support to create ethical and valuable business events is key to BESarawak, as well as the structured communication of these efforts that the International Journal of Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL) offers.
“The first issue provides excellent insights and knowledge into how global business event players are evolving and what impacts have been found until now,” said Amelia Roziman, BESarawak’s CEO. “11 papers have been published and half are reporting on the legacies and sustainability efforts that their respective events and destination have started. Half is already a success for a journal specific to these topics—succeeding in the first volume indicates that the journal is an effective and reliable way to document the real values of business events.”