ASSOCIATIONWORLD’s xIAF brand events are expanding with a new event in North America. After organising recently the first Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF) and just before the second edition of the Geneva International Association Forum (GIAF) on 27-28 June, ASSOCIATIONWORLD is launches WIAF.
The Washington International Association Forum (WIAF), set to take place on September 27-28, 2022, will bring together representatives of international and North American Associations, Non-Profits, Federations, Societies and NGOs, to create a knowledge-sharing platform on the other side of the Atlantic.
Kai Troll, President of ASSOCIATIONWORLD says: “Associations in Europe and North America are often governed very differently. We are very much looking forward to hosting the first edition of WIAF for association leaders who are interested in gaining a more global perspective of international association management, not only from a governance, but also from a cultural point of view and to help create more positive impact around the world”.
Registrations open on May 15 and more information or pre-registration options can be found here.