ASSOCIATIONWORLD has announced its collaboration with Fáilte Ireland for the launch of the first edition of the IRISH ASSOCIATION FORUM (IAF).
Set to take place on 25 September 2023, the event will gather representatives of Irish Associations, Professional bodies, Federations, Societies and NGOs.
The one-day education programme will bring the domestic associations and non-profit organizations together to discuss developments and provide knowledge sharing for and between the Irish association community.
Kai Troll, President of ASSOCIATIONWORLD, says: “I’m delighted to mention that one of the legacies of this first edition of the Irish Association Forum is the establishment of ASSOCIATIONWORLD Ireland. It will be an independent national organization accredited by ASSOCIATIONWORLD International. The purpose is to serve the Irish association and non-profit community all year around, taking a holistic approach towards capacity building and helping to enhance professionalism amongst the domestic / Irish associations.”
Delegates of the Irish Association Forum will benefit from sources and resources aligned with and linked to the global ASSOCIATIONWORLD community: the Brussels International Association Forum (BIAF), the Geneva International Association Forum (GIAF) and the recently launched Washington International Association Forum (WIAF).