
Embracing Digital Transformation with a Global Mindset

24th September 2020
Francisco Gomez, CEO of international consulting firm Factum Global, argues that, when it comes to association growth and strategy, digital transformation and internationalization are closely intertwined, especially in these unprecedented circumstances.
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Balancing Act: When & How to Take Events Hybrid

1st September 2020
In mid-June, the Netherlands started welcoming international travellers back to its borders. While countries like the U.S., India and Australia are still unable to travel, organisers are considering the best strategy for events this fall, and what the future of a face-to-face looks like.
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More Than Back to Business: Up for New Challenges

16th July 2020
Eager to get back in the conference room and pass constructive knowledge around, for associations it is not about when their next event will take place anymore but about how safe the destination is and how valuable the impact of their event will be for the communities involved. Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) covers all the bases as the state opens for business post-virus.
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Three Tips for Boosting Engagement at Virtual Events

25th June 2020
The pandemic may have accelerated the conversion to digital platforms, but virtual events are a tool that may be here for the long-run. As with live events, one of the key factors is engagement. But without seeing attendees or speakers face-to-face, how can organisers ensure participants will be just as stimulated when they’re sitting behind a screen?
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Digital Events Need A Solid Tech Basis

17th June 2020
Countries like Taiwan made the most out of their IT industry development, against all challenges due to Covid-19, becoming a shining example for the rest of the world both for battling the virus and for organising big business events.
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Strategies for Switching to Virtual Events

8th June 2020
In the early onset of the pandemic, many event organizers started to postpone events from spring to summer. But as borders restrictions and lockdown orders remained in place for months, they realized even summer may be too soon for a F2F conference. Meanwhile, associations saw an acceleration toward another option: the digitalization of events.
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Events

18th May 2020
Virtual events still sound a little futuristic, but they’ve been happening since 1993. In some ways little has changed in 2020, though things have accelerated the past few months. Marc Mekki, co-founder of Bond, shares his insights about what to think about if you want to go virtual.
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A Brief Guide to Association Digitalization

16th September 2019
Digitalization is already underway, so embracing it is not a matter of if, but instead of when and how. In this article, Frank M. Waechter takes a look at the most effective strategies and solutions that associations can use to achieve this.
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