A new internal unit has been announced by GainingEdge, a consulting firm for our industry, with the name GEAR. GainingEdge Analysis & Research (GEAR) aims at elevating the research available to international convention destinations with a focus on competition among destinations and more intelligent marketing.
GainingEdge CEO, Jon Sivertson, said: “Our industry has never really had a dedicated research unit. We were struck by the lack of real quantitative analysis available to support quality decision-making processes. We want GEAR to make a real difference for both the meetings industry and associations. We want GEAR to be the go-to when people are focused on facts-based decision making.”
As head of the project, GainingEdge consultant Milos Milovanovic said: “I think our next report will have a big impact on destinations and how they go about pursuing international conventions. We’ve done a deep dive on the leadership of 3,500 international associations and developed a database of association board members and the cities where they live. From this research, we will be helping cities to understand how well they are doing in terms of the number of their local leaders who are active members in governing bodies of international associations.”