Greg O’Dell, president and chief executive officer of Events DC, the official convention and sports authority for Washington, DC, was elected President of AIPC (International Association of Convention Centres).
O’Dell will join Peter King, CEO of the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center as vice president and Julianne Jammer, managing director of the Swiss Tech Convention Center as part of AIPC’s Executive Council, while the Executive Council will be composed of Juliana Lopez, President Grupo Heroica, Colombia, Taubie Motlhabane, CEO of the Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa, Christian Folden Lund, CEO Bella Center, Denmark, and Panittha Buri, Managing Director BITEC, Thailand.
Some of the new initiatives announced at AIPC’s General Assembly include the Future Shapers Program, a free, nine-month management program, specifically designed for upcoming leaders in convention centers. This program will be officially launched at AIPC’s Annual Conference that takes place July 9th through July 14th.