Business Events Sydney (BESydney) will play host to the 23rd International Vacuum Congress (IVC-23) in 2025.
The bid got the support of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO). The bid leader, Vacuum Society of Australia President and Senior Instrument Scientist at ANSTO, Anton P.J. Stampfl said: “The science and technology of vacuum has, over the last 80 plus years, been an enabler of many crucial modern technologies. The Congress takes a strong stance on inclusion and diversity and is seeking out balance within all its invited speakers and contributors and will make a special program for students in STEM.”
Held every three years, the congress is expected to attract approximately 1300 global delegates to Sydney over five days. It is seen as “an opportunity to showcase Sydney’s frontier research in quantum science and nanophotonics. Business events are key to global talent attraction and IVC-23 will profile the laboratories and research facilities in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub which, in themselves, serve as a top recruitment and retention tool for the world’s best academic researchers,” according to BESydney CEO, Lyn Lewis-Smith.